391 research outputs found

    Ghost imaging with the human eye

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    Computational ghost imaging relies on the decomposition of an image into patterns that are summed together with weights that measure the overlap of each pattern with the scene being imaged. These tasks rely on a computer. Here we demonstrate that the computational integration can be performed directly with the human eye. We use this human ghost imaging technique to evaluate the temporal response of the eye and establish the image persistence time to be around 20 ms followed by a further 20 ms exponential decay. These persistence times are in agreement with previous studies but can now potentially be extended to include a more precise characterisation of visual stimuli and provide a new experimental tool for the study of visual perception

    Extended temporal Lugiato-Lefever equation and the effect of conjugate fields in optical resonator frequency combs

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    Starting from the infinite-dimensional Ikeda map, we derive an extended temporal Lugiato-Lefever equation that may account for the effects of the conjugate electromagnetic fields (also called `negative frequency fields'). In the presence of nonlinearity in a ring cavity, these fields lead to new forms of modulational instability and resonant radiations. Numerical simulations based on the new extended Lugiato-Lefever model show that the negative-frequency resonant radiations emitted by ultrashort cavity solitons can impact Kerr frequency comb formation in externally pumped temporal optical cavities of small size. Our theory is very general, is not based on the slowly-varying envelope approximation, and the predictions are relevant to all kinds of resonators, such as fiber loops, microrings and microtoroids

    Optical black hole lasers

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    Using numerical simulations we show how to realise an optical black hole laser, i.e. an amplifier formed by travelling refractive index perturbations arranged so as to trap light between a white and a black hole horizon. The simulations highlight the main features of these lasers: the growth inside the cavity of positive and negative frequency modes accompanied by a weaker emission of modes that occurs in periodic bursts corresponding to the cavity round trips of the trapped modes. We then highlight a new regime in which the trapped mode spectra broaden until the zero-frequency points on the dispersion curve are reached. Amplification at the horizon is highest for zero-frequencies, therefore leading to a strong modification of the structure of the trapped light. For sufficiently long propagation times, lasing ensues only at the zero-frequency modes.Comment: accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Superradiant scattering in fluids of light

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    We theoretically investigate the scattering process of Bogoliubov excitations on a rotating photon-fluid. Using the language of Noether currents we demonstrate the occurrence of a resonant amplification phenomenon, which reduces to the standard superradiance in the hydrodynamic limit. We make use of a time-domain formulation where superradiance emerges as a transient effect encoded in the amplitudes and phases of propagating localised wavepackets. Our findings generalize previous studies in quantum fluids to the case of a non-negligible quantum pressure and can be readily applied also to other physical systems, in particular atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Finally we discuss ongoing experiments to observe superradiance in photon fluids, and how our time domain analysis can be used to characterise superradiant scattering in non-ideal experimental conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures Version 2: Updated first author affiliation, fixed grammatical typo

    Vacuum radiation and frequency-mixing in linear light-matter systems

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    Recent progress in photonics has led to a renewed interest in time-varying media that change on timescales comparable to the optical wave oscillation time. However, these studies typically overlook the role of material dispersion that will necessarily imply a delayed temporal response or, stated alternatively, a memory effect. We investigate the influence of the medium memory on a specific effect, i.e. the excitation of quantum vacuum radiation due to the temporal modulation. We construct a framework which reduces the problem to single-particle quantum mechanics, which we then use to study the quantum vacuum radiation. We find that the delayed temporal response changes the vacuum emission properties drastically: Frequencies mix, something typically associated with nonlinear processes, despite the system being completely linear. Indeed, this effect is related to the parametric resonances of the light-matter system, and to the parametric driving of the system by frequencies present locally in the drive but not in its spectrum.Comment: 16 pages + appendices, 3 figures. Accepted for publicatio

    Transmission of natural scene images through a multimode fibre

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    The optical transport of images through a multimode fibre remains an outstanding challenge with applications ranging from optical communications to neuro-imaging. State of the art approaches either involve measurement and control of the full complex field transmitted through the fibre or, more recently, training of artificial neural networks that however, are typically limited to image classes belong to the same class as the training data set. Here we implement a method that statistically reconstructs the inverse transformation matrix for the fibre. We demonstrate imaging at high frame rates, high resolutions and in full colour of natural scenes, thus demonstrating general-purpose imaging capability. Real-time imaging over long fibre lengths opens alternative routes to exploitation for example for secure communication systems, novel remote imaging devices, quantum state control processing and endoscopy

    Super-resonant radiation stimulated by high-harmonics

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    Solitons propagating in media with higher order dispersion will shed radiation known as dispersive wave or resonant radiation, with applications in frequency broadening, deep UV sources for spectroscopy or simply fundamental studies of soliton physics. Starting from a recently proposed equation that models the behaviour of ultrashort optical pulses in nonlinear materials using the analytic signal, we find that the resonant radiation associated with the third-harmonic generation term of the equation is parametrically stimulated with an unprecedented gain. Resonant radiation levels, typically only a small fraction of the soliton, are now as intense as the soliton itself. The mechanism is quite universal and works also in normal dispersion and with harmonics higher than the third. We report experimental hints of this super-resonant radiation stimulated by the fifth harmonic in diamond

    A single-shot non-line-of-sight range-finder

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    The ability to locate a target around a corner is crucial in situations where it is impractical or unsafe to physically move around the obstruction. However, current techniques are limited to long acquisition times as they rely on single-photon counting for precise arrival time measurements. Here, we demonstrate a single-shot non-line-of-sight range-finding method operating at 10 Hz and capable of detecting a moving human target up to distances of 3 m around a corner. Due to the potential data acquisition speeds, this technique will find applications in search and rescue and autonomous vehicles
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